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Live Stream:  8:15 and 10:45am
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Sunday Worship

8:15am – Classic Traditions 

Worship with classic hymns and liturgies

9:30am – Sunday School, Middle School & High School Bible Study (School Year)
There is a class room for all ages

 9:30am – Adult Bible Study (School Year)
Two adult Bible Studies

9:30am – Adult Bible Study (Summer)
A single, stand alone, Bible Study

10:45am – New Song

Worship with contemporary Christian music


The Lord’s Supper

Our Savior Lutheran offers the Lord’s Supper (or Holy Communion) on the second and last Sunday of each month at 8:15 & 10:45am; the third Sunday of the month at 9:45am Family Church; and once a month Drive-in Communion, typically on the second Wednesday of the month.

Regarding the Lord’s Supper, we recognize the real presence of Christ’s body and blood in, with, and under the bread and wine. We accept that Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, has given us this sacrament as a means of grace by which we receive, by faith, complete forgiveness of sins. We believe that only those who are baptized into the Christian faith, examine themselves, repent of their sins, and believe in Jesus Christ as Savior receive the benefits of this sacrament.

Children are Important

Children and young people are vital to the life of today’s congregation. When you worship at Our Savior, you will find a children’s bulletin available for children ages 3-7 and another children’s bulletin for ages 7+.

Handicap Accessibility

Our Savior is fully handicapped accessible with ramps and an elevator to provide access to all levels.

Video Ministry

If you live in the Shorewood/Lake Minnetonka area and have cable access, you can view some of the latest services on local Mediacom Cable, channel 21 on Saturday and Sunday at 7:00pm .

You can also watch the latest service right on the home page of this site or see previous services by clicking on View More Videos.